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Lobbying contacts
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 9, TITLE 12-A
§ 2987. Lobbying contacts. 1. Definitions. As used in this title:

a. "lobbyist" shall have the same meaning as defined in section one-c
of the legislative law.

b. "lobbying" shall mean and include any attempt to influence:

(i) the adoption or rejection of any rule or regulation having the
force and effect of law by a public authority, and

(ii) the outcome of any rate making proceeding by a public authority.

c. "contact" shall mean any conversation, in person or by telephonic
or other remote means, or correspondence between any lobbyist engaged in
the act of lobbying and any person within a state authority who can make
or influence a decision on the subject of the lobbying on behalf of the
authority, and shall include, at a minimum, all members of the governing
board and all officers of the state authority.

2. Every state authority shall maintain a record of all lobbying
contacts made with such authority.

3. Every member, officer or employee of a state authority who is
contacted by a lobbyist shall make a contemporaneous record of such
contact containing the day and time of the contact, the identity of the
lobbyist and a general summary of the substance of the contact.

4. Each state authority shall adopt a policy implementing the
requirements of this section. Such policy shall appoint an officer to
whom all such records shall be delivered. Such officer shall maintain
such records for not less than seven years in a filing system designed
to organize such records in a manner so as to make such records useful
to determine whether the decisions of the authority were influenced by
lobbying contacts.