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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 10, TITLE 3
* § 3032. Definitions. As used in this title, the following words and
terms shall have the following meanings unless the context shall
indicate another or different meaning or intent:

1. "Corporation" means the corporate governmental agency created by
section three thousand thirty-three of this chapter.

2. "City" means the city of New York.

3. "Mayor" means the mayor of the city of New York.

4. "City comptroller" means the comptroller of the city of New York.

5. "City budget director" means the director of management and budget
of the city of New York.

6. "Short-term obligations" means tax anticipation notes, revenue
anticipation notes, bond anticipation notes, budget notes and urban
renewal notes.

* NB The corporation shall continue for a term ending the later of
July 1, 2008 or one year after its liabilities have been fully paid and
discharged per § 3033 sub 1.