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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Legislative findings and purpose
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 10-C, TITLE 1
§ 3301. Legislative findings and purpose. The legislature hereby finds
and declares as follows:

1. Currently, the Westchester County Medical Center is a public
hospital owned and operated by the county of Westchester.

2. The Westchester County Medical Center encompasses the Medical
Center Hospital, the Ruth Taylor Geriatric and Rehabilitation Institute,
the Psychiatric Institute and the Westchester Institute for Human

3. The Medical Center Hospital is the tertiary care facility for
Westchester and the six other counties of the lower Hudson Valley.

4. The needs of the residents of the state of New York and of the
county of Westchester can best be served by the operation of the
Westchester County Medical Center by a public benefit corporation having
the legal, financial and managerial flexibility to take full advantage
of opportunities and challenges presented by the evolving health care

5. In order to accomplish the purposes recited in this section to
provide health care services and health facilities for the benefit of
the residents of the state of New York and the county of Westchester,
including persons in need of health care services without the ability to
pay as required by law, a public benefit corporation to be known as the
Westchester county health care corporation shall be created to provide
such services and facilities and to otherwise carry out such purposes;
that the creation and operation of the Westchester county health care
corporation, as hereinafter provided, is in all respects for the benefit
of the people of the state of New York and of the county of Westchester,
and is a state, county and public purpose; and that the exercise by such
corporation of the functions, powers and duties as hereinafter provided
constitutes the performance of an essential public and governmental