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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 10-C, TITLE 5
§ 3602. Definitions. As used or referred to in this title, unless a
different meaning clearly appears from the context:

1. "Board" shall mean the board of directors of the corporation as
established by section thirty-six hundred three of this title.

2. "Bonds" shall mean the bonds, notes or other evidences of
indebtedness issued by the corporation pursuant to this title and the
provisions of this title relating to bonds and bondholders shall apply
with equal force and effect to notes and noteholders, respectively,
unless the context otherwise clearly requires.

3. "Corporation" shall mean the public benefit corporation created by
section thirty-six hundred three of this title, known as the
Clifton-Fine health care corporation.

4. "Town" or "Towns" shall mean the towns of Clifton and Fine in St.
Lawrence County, State of New York.

5. "Governing Board" shall mean with respect to each town, the town

6. "Supervisor or supervisors" shall mean the town supervisor of the
town of Clifton or the town of Fine, St. Lawrence county.

7. "Health facility" shall mean a building, structure or unit or any
improvement to real property, including all necessary and usual
attendant and related equipment, facilities or fixtures, or any part or
parts thereof, or any combination or combinations thereof, constructed,
acquired or otherwise provided by or for the use of the corporation or
the towns in providing health and medical services to the public.

8. "Director" shall mean a voting director appointed to the
corporation pursuant to section thirty-six hundred three of this title.