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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Disqualification of commissioner, officers and employees
Public Housing (PBG) CHAPTER 44-A, ARTICLE 2
§ 13. Disqualification of commissioner, officers and employees.
Neither the commissioner, nor any officer or employee in the division of
housing shall acquire any interest direct or indirect in a project or in
any property then or thereafter included or planned to be included in a
project, nor retain any interest direct or indirect in any property
acquired subsequently to his appointment or employment which is later
included or to his knowledge planned to be included in a project, nor
shall he have any interest direct or indirect in any contract or
proposed contract for materials or services to be furnished or used in
connection with a project. If the commissioner or any officer or
employee in the division of housing owns or controls an interest direct
or indirect in any property included in any project, which was acquired
prior to his appointment or employment, he shall disclose such interest
and the date of acquisition thereof in writing to the governor or the
commissioner, as the case may be, and such disclosure shall be entered
in a special record of the division of housing kept for such purpose.