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This entry was published on 2022-03-04
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Obligation to affirmatively further fair housing
Public Housing (PBG) CHAPTER 44-A, ARTICLE 14
§ 600. Obligation to affirmatively further fair housing. 1. For the
purposes of this section, the term "covered housing agency" shall mean
any state department, agency or office administering housing and
community development laws or housing and community development programs
including but not limited to New York state homes and community renewal,
the division of housing and community renewal, the New York state
housing finance agency, the affordable housing corporation, the housing
trust fund corporation, the municipal bond bank agency, the state of New
York mortgage agency, any subsidiary of the foregoing agencies, any
public housing agency, and any localities receiving funds from any state
department, agency or office to administer programs or activities
related to housing and community development.

2. The commissioner and all covered housing agencies shall administer
all such programs and activities related to housing and community
development in a manner that affirmatively furthers fair housing and
shall cooperate with the commissioner to further such purpose.

3. The commissioner and all covered housing agencies shall take
meaningful actions to:

(a) identify and overcome patterns of residential segregation and
housing discrimination;

(b) eradicate racially or ethnically concentrated areas of poverty;

(c) reduce disparities in access to opportunity;

(d) eliminate disproportionate housing needs;

(e) provide the public reasonable and regular opportunities to comment
on fair housing issues and participate in the development and
advancement of affirmative fair housing policy; and

(f) encourage and maintain compliance with article fifteen of the
executive law and any other applicable anti-discrimination or fair
housing law.

4. The commissioner and all covered housing agencies shall take no
action that is materially inconsistent with the obligation of this

5. The commissioner shall:

(a) on or before February first of two thousand twenty-two, and each
fifth year thereafter, produce a draft report that shall be made
available to the public. The report shall include any significant
initiatives, policies, or programs undertaken in furtherance of fair
housing and any recommendations for improving the state of fair housing
in New York. The draft report shall be open to a minimum of twenty-one
days of public comment. The commissioner shall, on or before March tenth
of each year that such report is due, submit the final version of said
report to the governor, the speaker of the assembly, and the temporary
president of the senate. The commissioner shall submit along with the
final report, all comments received pursuant to the public comment
period; and

(b) on or before February first of every second and fourth year
following the issuance of the full report required pursuant to paragraph
(a) of this subdivision, prepare an interim report explaining any
progress or significant changes to recommendations included in such full
report and detailing any new significant initiatives, policies, or
programs that have been undertaken in furtherance of fair housing. The
interim report shall be submitted to the governor, the speaker of the
assembly, and the temporary president of the senate.