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New York state community doula directory
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 25, TITLE 6-A
* § 2594-b. New York state community doula directory. 1. The
department shall establish and maintain a community doula directory for
doulas on the department's internet website for the purposes of Medicaid
reimbursement and promoting doula services to Medicaid recipients.

2. The directory shall include the following information concerning
doulas such as:

(a) the name of the doula who provides doula services;

(b) the address and location of where the doula provides doula

(c) the name of each Medicaid provider that employs or contracts with
a doula to provide doula services to eligible Medicaid recipients;

(d) the doula's national provider identification number, if
applicable; and

(e) all documentation of criteria pursuant to section twenty-five
hundred ninety-four-c of this title.

3. The department shall determine the method of registration and the
documentation required to verify such criteria has been met.

4. Each doula shall be responsible for completing the requirements
pursuant to section twenty-five hundred ninety-four-c of this title.

5. The department shall not impose any fee on any doula to register
for admittance into the New York state community doula directory.

6. The community doula directory shall be publicly accessible at no
cost to the doula or birthing person looking to hire a doula in their

* NB Effective and Repealed August 6, 2024