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Reports of the office of renewable energy siting and electric transmissions
Public Service (PBS) CHAPTER 48, ARTICLE 8
* § 148. Reports of the office of renewable energy siting and electric
transmissions. No later than one year after the effective date of this
article and annually thereafter, the office of renewable energy siting
and electric transmissions shall submit to the governor, the temporary
president of the senate and the speaker of the assembly, a report on the
activities of such office. The report shall, without limitation,

1. the number of applications received and permits approved by such
office for each type of major renewable energy facility or major
electric transmission facility;

2. description of the project of each permit granted by such office
for the preceding year including scale, location and capacity;

3. average time taken to make a decision on an application;

4. the number of cases that require dispute resolution or judicial

5. the executive director's evaluation of overall public need for
major renewable generation facilities and major electric transmission

6. the potential adverse environmental impacts of the facility are
identified and addressed by the uniform standards and conditions
promulgated pursuant to this article;

7. the number and description of projects where site-specific permit
conditions were applied to the facility or where off-site mitigation was
needed; and

8. total fees collected by such office and any fees collected
specifically for off-site mitigation.

* NB Repealed December 31, 2040