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This entry was published on 2024-07-26
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SECTION 155.35
Grand larceny in the third degree
§ 155.35 Grand larceny in the third degree.

A person is guilty of grand larceny in the third degree when such
person steals property and:

1. when the value of the property exceeds three thousand dollars, or

2. the property is an automated teller machine or the contents of an
automated teller machine, or

** 3. the property consists of retail goods or merchandise stolen
pursuant to a common scheme or plan or a single, ongoing intent to
deprive another or others of the property or to appropriate the property
to the actor or another person and the value of the property exceeds
three thousand dollars, which value may be determined by the aggregate
value of all such property regardless of whether the goods or
merchandise were stolen from the same owner. Nothing in this subdivision
shall be read to limit the ability to aggregate the value of any
property or the ability to charge the larceny of retail goods or
merchandise under another applicable provision of law.

** NB There are 2 sb 3's

* 3. when such person commits deed theft of one commercial real
property, regardless of the value.

** NB There are 2 sb 3's

Grand larceny in the third degree is a class D felony.