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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 165.55
Criminal possession of stolen property; presumptions
§ 165.55 Criminal possession of stolen property; presumptions.

1. A person who knowingly possesses stolen property is presumed to
possess it with intent to benefit himself or a person other than an
owner thereof or to impede the recovery by an owner thereof.

2. A collateral loan broker or a person in the business of buying,
selling or otherwise dealing in property who possesses stolen property
is presumed to know that such property was stolen if he obtained it
without having ascertained by reasonable inquiry that the person from
whom he obtained it had a legal right to possess it.

3. A person who possesses two or more stolen credit cards, debit cards
or public benefit cards is presumed to know that such credit cards,
debit cards or public benefit cards were stolen.

4. A person who possesses three or more tickets or equivalent
instrument for air transportation service, which tickets or instruments
were stolen by reason of having been obtained from the issuer or agent
thereof by the use of one or more stolen or forged credit cards, is
presumed to know that such tickets or instruments were stolen.