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This entry was published on 2024-12-27
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SECTION 190.78
Identity theft in the third degree
* § 190.78 Identity theft in the third degree.

A person is guilty of identity theft in the third degree when he or
she knowingly and with intent to defraud assumes the identity of another
person by presenting himself or herself as that other person, or by
acting as that other person or by using personal identifying information
of that other person, and thereby:

1. obtains goods, money, property or services or uses credit in the
name of such other person or causes financial loss to such person or to
another person or persons; or

2. commits a class A misdemeanor or higher level crime.

Identity theft in the third degree is a class A misdemeanor.

* NB Effective until March 21, 2025
* § 190.78 Identity theft in the third degree.

A person is guilty of identity theft in the third degree when such
person knowingly and with intent to defraud assumes the identity of
another person by presenting themself as that other person, or by acting
as that other person or by using personal identifying information of
that other person, and thereby:

1. obtains goods, money, medical information, health insurance
information, property or services or uses credit in the name of such
other person or causes financial loss to such person or to another
person or persons; or

2. commits a class A misdemeanor or higher level crime.

Identity theft in the third degree is a class A misdemeanor.

* NB Effective March 21, 2025