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This entry was published on 2024-09-06
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SECTION 235.22
Disseminating indecent material to minors in the first degree
§ 235.22 Disseminating indecent material to minors in the first degree.

A person is guilty of disseminating indecent material to minors in the
first degree when:

1. knowing the character and content of the communication which, in
whole or in part, depicts or describes, either in words or images actual
or simulated nudity, sexual conduct or sado-masochistic abuse, and which
is harmful to minors, he intentionally uses any computer communication
system allowing the input, output, examination or transfer, of computer
data or computer programs from one computer to another, to initiate or
engage in such communication with a person who is a minor; and

2. by means of such communication he importunes, invites or induces a
minor to engage in vaginal sexual contact, oral sexual contact or anal
sexual contact, or sexual contact with him, or to engage in a sexual
performance, obscene sexual performance, or sexual conduct for his

Disseminating indecent material to minors in the first degree is a
class D felony.