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This entry was published on 2020-06-05
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SECTION 241.02
Harassment of a rent regulated tenant in the second degree
§ 241.02 Harassment of a rent regulated tenant in the second degree.

An owner is guilty of harassment of a rent regulated tenant in the
second degree when, with intent to induce a rent regulated tenant to
vacate a housing accommodation, such owner intentionally engages in a
course of conduct that:

1. impairs the habitability of a housing accommodation; or

2. creates or maintains a condition which endangers the safety or
health of the dwelling's tenant; or

3. is reasonably likely to interfere with or disturb, and does
interfere with or disturb, the comfort, repose, peace or quiet of such
rent regulated tenant in his or her use and occupancy of such housing
accommodation including, but not limited to, the interruption or
discontinuance of essential services. The good faith commencement and
pursuit of a lawful eviction action by an owner against a rent regulated
tenant in a court of competent jurisdiction shall not, by itself,
constitute a "course of conduct" in violation of this subdivision.

Harassment of a rent regulated tenant in the second degree is a class
A misdemeanor.