SECTION 245.00
Public lewdness
§ 245.00 Public lewdness.
A person is guilty of public lewdness when he or she intentionally
exposes the private or intimate parts of his or her body in a lewd
manner or commits any other lewd act: (a) in a public place, or (b) (i)
in private premises under circumstances in which he or she may readily
be observed from either a public place or from other private premises,
and with intent that he or she be so observed, or (ii) while
trespassing, as defined in section 140.05 of this part, in a dwelling as
defined in subdivision three of section 140.00 of this part, under
circumstances in which he or she is observed by a lawful occupant.
Public lewdness is a class B misdemeanor.
A person is guilty of public lewdness when he or she intentionally
exposes the private or intimate parts of his or her body in a lewd
manner or commits any other lewd act: (a) in a public place, or (b) (i)
in private premises under circumstances in which he or she may readily
be observed from either a public place or from other private premises,
and with intent that he or she be so observed, or (ii) while
trespassing, as defined in section 140.05 of this part, in a dwelling as
defined in subdivision three of section 140.00 of this part, under
circumstances in which he or she is observed by a lawful occupant.
Public lewdness is a class B misdemeanor.