Fines for misdemeanors and violation
§ 80.05 Fines for misdemeanors and violation.
1. Class A misdemeanor. A sentence to pay a fine for a class A
misdemeanor shall be a sentence to pay an amount, fixed by the court,
not exceeding one thousand dollars, provided, however, that a sentence
imposed for a violation of section 215.80 of this chapter may include a
fine in an amount equivalent to double the value of the property
unlawfully disposed of in the commission of the crime.
2. Class B misdemeanor. A sentence to pay a fine for a class B
misdemeanor shall be a sentence to pay an amount, fixed by the court,
not exceeding five hundred dollars.
3. Unclassified misdemeanor. A sentence to pay a fine for an
unclassified misdemeanor shall be a sentence to pay an amount, fixed by
the court, in accordance with the provisions of the law or ordinance
that defines the crime.
4. Violation. A sentence to pay a fine for a violation shall be a
sentence to pay an amount, fixed by the court, not exceeding two hundred
fifty dollars.
In the case of a violation defined outside this chapter, if the amount
of the fine is expressly specified in the law or ordinance that defines
the offense, the amount of the fine shall be fixed in accordance with
that law or ordinance.
5. Alternative sentence. If a person has gained money or property
through the commission of any misdemeanor or violation then upon
conviction thereof, the court, in lieu of imposing the fine authorized
for the offense under one of the above subdivisions, may sentence the
defendant to pay an amount, fixed by the court, not exceeding double the
amount of the defendant's gain from the commission of the offense;
provided, however, that the amount fixed by the court pursuant to this
subdivision upon a conviction under section 11-1904 of the environmental
conservation law shall not exceed five thousand dollars. In such event
the provisions of subdivisions two and three of section 80.00 shall be
applicable to the sentence.
6. Exception. The provisions of this section shall not apply to a
1. Class A misdemeanor. A sentence to pay a fine for a class A
misdemeanor shall be a sentence to pay an amount, fixed by the court,
not exceeding one thousand dollars, provided, however, that a sentence
imposed for a violation of section 215.80 of this chapter may include a
fine in an amount equivalent to double the value of the property
unlawfully disposed of in the commission of the crime.
2. Class B misdemeanor. A sentence to pay a fine for a class B
misdemeanor shall be a sentence to pay an amount, fixed by the court,
not exceeding five hundred dollars.
3. Unclassified misdemeanor. A sentence to pay a fine for an
unclassified misdemeanor shall be a sentence to pay an amount, fixed by
the court, in accordance with the provisions of the law or ordinance
that defines the crime.
4. Violation. A sentence to pay a fine for a violation shall be a
sentence to pay an amount, fixed by the court, not exceeding two hundred
fifty dollars.
In the case of a violation defined outside this chapter, if the amount
of the fine is expressly specified in the law or ordinance that defines
the offense, the amount of the fine shall be fixed in accordance with
that law or ordinance.
5. Alternative sentence. If a person has gained money or property
through the commission of any misdemeanor or violation then upon
conviction thereof, the court, in lieu of imposing the fine authorized
for the offense under one of the above subdivisions, may sentence the
defendant to pay an amount, fixed by the court, not exceeding double the
amount of the defendant's gain from the commission of the offense;
provided, however, that the amount fixed by the court pursuant to this
subdivision upon a conviction under section 11-1904 of the environmental
conservation law shall not exceed five thousand dollars. In such event
the provisions of subdivisions two and three of section 80.00 shall be
applicable to the sentence.
6. Exception. The provisions of this section shall not apply to a