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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Loans for state-aided limited-profit housing companies
Private Housing Finance (PVH) CHAPTER 44-B, ARTICLE 2
§ 22-b. Loans for state-aided limited-profit housing companies. 1.
Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, the
commissioner may for a period of one year from the effective date of
this act approve a loan and encumbrance in excess of the actual project
cost of a state-aided project comprising more than five thousand rental
units, provided that: (a) the rents paid by the tenants may not be
increased to pay for any consequent increase in indebtedness that is not
attributable to project cost; (b) the company enters into an agreement
to continue to remain subject to the provisions of this article for a
period of no less than an additional thirty years from issuance of the
loan and encumbrance; and (c) the greater of twenty-five percent of the
amount of such loan which exceeds such actual project cost or forty
million dollars of the proceeds of such loan must be dedicated to
capital improvements to existing structures and facilities.

2. Any company that enters into a loan pursuant to subdivision one of
this section shall create a plan within one year of the approval of the
loan. The plan shall include details of all capital improvements that
will occur as a result of the loan. Such company shall obligate the
funds dedicated to the capital improvements within three years of the
approval of the loan. Such company shall submit a copy of the plan
within one year of the approval of the loan and within three years of
the approval of the loan, a report that details the use of the loan
funds to the governor, the commissioner of the division of housing and
community renewal, the temporary president of the senate, the speaker of
the assembly, the minority leader of the senate, the minority leader of
the assembly, the chair of the senate finance committee, the chair of
the assembly ways and means committee, the chair of the senate housing,
construction, and community development committee, and the chair of the
assembly housing committee.

3. Such company shall participate in bimonthly meetings with elected
officials and the members of the project's residents' association or
other tenant organization that represents the majority of tenants in the
project in order to hear any advice or comments on the implementation of
the plan. The meetings shall occur on a regular basis until all of the
money set-aside for capital improvements in subdivision one of this
section has been spent.