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This entry was published on 2023-10-27
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Servicing loans
Private Housing Finance (PVH) CHAPTER 44-B, ARTICLE 13
§ 614. Servicing loans. An agency may make provision in a note and
loan agreement or by separate agreement for the performance of loan or
grant servicing functions, including, but not limited to, functions
related to lending or providing a grant for construction, as may
generally be performed by an institutional lender. Such agency may act
in such capacity or appoint or consent to the appointment of a financial
institution or other qualified entity, as determined by such agency, to
act in such capacity on behalf of such agency. Such agency may pay a
reasonable and customary fee to such financial institution or other
qualified entity appointed by such agency, or to whose appointment such
agency provided consent, for the performance of such loan or grant
servicing functions.