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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Assistance by department of housing preservation and development
Private Housing Finance (PVH) CHAPTER 44-B, ARTICLE 12
§ 665. Assistance by department of housing preservation and
development. The commissioner of housing preservation and development
and the department of housing preservation and development are hereby
designated to act for and in behalf of the corporation in servicing
mortgage loans of the corporation, and shall perform such functions and
services in connection with the making, servicing and collection of such
loans as shall be requested by the corporation. The corporation shall
pay to the department of housing preservation and development from any
moneys of the corporation available for such purposes such amounts as
are necessary to reimburse the department of housing preservation and
development for the reasonable cost of the services performed by the
commissioner of housing preservation and development and by the
department of housing preservation and development pursuant to this