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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Legislative intent
Rapid Transit (RAT) CHAPTER 48-A, ARTICLE 9
§ 111. Legislative intent. Insofar as this chapter revises,
consolidates, codifies, continues or restates the provisions of the
rapid transit act, as amended and supplemented, and articles seven and
eight of the public service law in force when this chapter shall take
effect, such provisions shall be deemed unchanged in substance and
effect. If in this chapter there shall have been incorporated any
provision of law that heretofore shall have been superseded or
specifically or impliedly repealed, the incorporation of any such
provision shall not revive such superseded or repealed provision, nor
shall such incorporation be construed to indicate any legislative
determination that such provision had not been theretofore so superseded
or repealed. If in this chapter there shall have been incorporated any
new provision, which is not a revision, consolidation, codification,
continuance or restatement of the provisions of the rapid transit act,
as amended and supplemented, and articles seven and eight of the public
service law in force when this chapter shall take effect, such new
provision shall not become effective, but shall be deemed an
inadvertence or error.