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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Incorporation of churches of Orthodox Church in America
Religious Corporations (RCO) CHAPTER 51, ARTICLE 5-C
§ 106. Incorporation of churches of Orthodox Church in America. An
unincorporated American Orthodox church in this state may be
incorporated by executing, acknowledging and filing a certificate of
incorporation, stating the corporate name by which such church shall be
known and the county, town, city or village where its principal place of
worship is or is intended to be located. There shall be attached to such
certificate the permission to incorporate signed by the metropolitan
archbishop or other primate or hierarch of the Orthodox Church in
America, or by the locum tenens acting in his place. Such certificate
of incorporation shall be executed and acknowledged by six lay members
of such church.

On filing such certificate such church shall be a corporation by the
name stated in the certificate.