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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Certification of incorporation
Religious Corporations (RCO) CHAPTER 51, ARTICLE 8-A
§ 169-c. Certification of incorporation. 1. The presiding officer of
such meeting and at least two other persons present and voting thereat
shall execute and acknowledge a certificate of incorporation which shall
set forth the following:

(a) The name of the proposed corporation.

(b) The number of trustees thereof.

(c) The names of the trustees elected for the first year.

(d) The county and town, city or village in which the principal place
of worship is or is intended to be located.

(e) The date of its annual meeting for the election of trustees.

2. On filing such certificate in the office of the county clerk of the
county in which such church is or is intended to be located, such church
shall be a corporation by the name stated in the certificate of