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This entry was published on 2022-08-19
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Discontinuance or change of salesperson's association; report
Real Property (RPP) CHAPTER 50, ARTICLE 12-A
§ 442-b. Discontinuance or change of salesperson's association;
report. When the association of any real estate salesperson shall have
been terminated for any reason whatsoever, their broker shall forthwith
notify the department of state thereof in such manner as the department
shall prescribe. Where change of such salesperson's association is the
basis for such termination, the salesperson's successor broker shall
forthwith notify the department of such change in such manner as the
department shall prescribe, such notice to be accompanied by a fee of
one dollar. No real estate salesperson shall perform any act within any
of the prohibitions of this article from and after the termination for
any cause of their association until they thereafter shall have become
associated with a licensed real estate broker.