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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Theatrical corporations created by act of congress
Real Property Tax (RPT) CHAPTER 50-A, ARTICLE 4, TITLE 2
§ 432. Theatrical corporations created by act of congress. 1. Real
property owned by a corporation created by an act of the congress of the
United States on a non-profit basis and without capital stock, and
organized and used exclusively for the purposes of stimulating public
interest in the drama as an art, presenting theatrical productions,
advancing interest in the drama by furthering the production of plays,
furthering the study of the drama, and sponsoring, encouraging and
developing the art and technique of the theatre through the operation of
a school and which was acquired with moneys donated to such corporation
as a result of popular or general appeal shall be exempt from taxation
and exempt from special ad valorem levies and special assessments to the
extent provided in section four hundred ninety of this article, as
provided for corporations in subdivisions one and four of section four
hundred twenty-a of this article except as hereinafter provided.

2. Such real property shall be fully exempt although (a) it or a
portion thereof is leased or otherwise used by another corporation,
organized for purposes which are exempt pursuant to section four hundred
twenty-a, four hundred twenty-b, four hundred twenty-two, four hundred
twenty-four, four hundred twenty-six, four hundred twenty-eight or four
hundred thirty of this article and for one or more of the purposes for
which the owner corporation is organized, as long as such real property
or portion thereof as the case may be is devoted to such uses and as
long as any moneys paid for such use do not exceed the amount of
carrying, maintenance and depreciation charges of the property or
portion thereof as the case may be or (b) the auditorium located thereon
is leased or otherwise used for public performances, theatrical
presentations, opera, ballet, concerts, lectures, meetings, graduation
exercises and educational non-commercial uses for the purposes of
income, if such income is necessary for and actually applied to the
maintenance and support of such owner corporation and such is not used
for the acquisition of additional real property in this state.

3. An exemption granted pursuant to this section shall not exceed one
million five hundred thousand dollars.