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Inapplicability of title
Real Property Tax (RPT) CHAPTER 50-A, ARTICLE 4, TITLE 2-B
* § 489-rr. Inapplicability of title. The provisions of this title
shall not apply to any railroad real property of any railroad company
for which railroad ceilings were not made in the calendar years nineteen
hundred seventy-six and nineteen hundred seventy-seven unless such
company files with the commissioner a statement in writing that such
company elects to have the provisions of this title apply to such
company. Any such railroad company may file such statement on or before
February first in any year, in which case and at such time, the
provisions of this title shall become applicable and the commissioner
shall annually thereafter establish railroad ceilings for the railroad
real property of such company. Notwithstanding any other provisions of
this section, any such railroad company may file such statement on or
before July fifteenth in the calendar year nineteen hundred
seventy-eight. The provisions of this section shall remain in force and
effect only until March thirty-first, nineteen hundred eighty-three.

* NB Expired March 31, 1983