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This entry was published on 2022-05-06
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Annual fee
Real Property Tax (RPT) CHAPTER 50-A, ARTICLE 4, TITLE 5
* § 499-iiii. Annual fee. Any costs and expenses incurred by the
commissioner in the establishment of assessment ceilings for local
public utility mass real property shall be paid from the collection of
an annual charge upon the owners of local public utility mass real
property. The commissioner shall provide by rule for computation of such
charge through the apportionment of these costs and expenses to owners
of local public utility mass real property in relation to the total full
value of the local public utility mass real property eligible for an
assessment ceiling pursuant to this title. Prior to collecting payment
of such charges, the commissioner shall annually provide a detailed
report to each owner of local public utility mass real property
identifying costs related to establishment of assessment ceilings,
including, but not limited to, expenditures, revenue sources and any
allocations. The charges established pursuant to this section shall be
subject to the approval of the director of the budget. Each owner of
local public utility mass real property shall be authorized to challenge
any such charges pursuant to article seventy-eight of the civil practice
law and rules.

* NB Repealed January 1, 2027