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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Information to be furnished to commissioner
Real Property Tax (RPT) CHAPTER 50-A, ARTICLE 6
§ 602. Information to be furnished to commissioner. 1. It shall be the
duty of the clerk of an assessing unit, or of a village which has
enacted a local law as provided in subdivision three of section fourteen
hundred two of this chapter, within twenty days after a change in the
boundaries thereof to furnish the commissioner with a statement giving
the details of such change.

2. Upon the granting of any franchise for the use of any public
street, highway, water or other public place by any assessing unit or
village, which has enacted a local law as provided in subdivision three
of section fourteen hundred two of this chapter, it shall be the duty of
the clerk thereof to furnish a copy of such franchise to the

3. The commissioner of transportation shall furnish to the
commissioner the estimates of reproduction cost new, depreciation and
present value presented to the commissioner of transportation in any
valuation matter before such commissioner, together with such portions
of the testimony and exhibits relating thereto requested by the