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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Alternative method of effectuating revised county equalization
Real Property Tax (RPT) CHAPTER 50-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 1
§ 822. Alternative method of effectuating revised county equalization.
Upon request of the governing body of a city or town, a deficiency which
is to be added to the county taxes against the property in such city or
town under section eight hundred twenty of this chapter shall be added
in not more than five equal annual installments beginning with the next
county tax levy. In such event, the excess determined for the property
in any city or town under such section shall be subtracted from the
county taxes levied thereon in amounts adjusted so that the total of the
deficiencies added and the total of the excesses subtracted shall be
equal in each such levy. Such installments shall bear no interest.