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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Real Property Tax (RPT) CHAPTER 50-A, ARTICLE 9, TITLE 3-A
§ 952. Definitions. When used in this title:

1. "Mortgage investing institution" means any bank, trust company,
national bank, savings bank, savings and loan association, federal
savings bank, federal savings and loan association, private banker,
credit union, federal credit union, investment company, pension fund,
licensed mortgage banker or any other entity which maintains a real
property tax escrow account for real property located in this state.

2. "Mortgagor" means a person having title to and occupying a one to
six family residence which is located in this state and is subject to a

2-a. "Non-mortgagor" means a person having title to and occupying a
one to six family residence which is located in this state and is not
subject to a mortgage.

3. "Real property tax escrow account" means an account established by
contract between a mortgagor of real property improved by a one to six
family residence and the mortgage investing institution having a
mortgage thereon, into which the mortgage investing institution shall
deposit money collected from the mortgagor for the purpose of paying

4. "One to six family residence" means property used primarily for
residential purposes for one to six families, including property held in
condominium form of ownership, and which is occupied in whole or in part
by the owner.

5. "Tax" or "taxes" means a charge imposed upon real property by or on
behalf of a county, city, town, village or school district for municipal
or school district purposes, including a special ad valorem levy,
special assessment or any similar charge.