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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Owner of real property may elect to pay taxes in installments
Real Property Tax (RPT) CHAPTER 50-A, ARTICLE 9, TITLE 4-A
§ 975. Owner of real property may elect to pay taxes in installments.
1. Upon receipt of the statement of taxes, an owner of real property may
elect to pay the total amount of the taxes set forth in such statement
without regard to this title; or he may elect to pay such taxes in
installments as provided in the local law enacted pursuant to section
nine hundred seventy-two of this chapter.

2. If the owner is eligible to participate in the installment
program, and elects to do so, he or she shall pay to the collecting
officer the amount set forth in such statement and designated as "first
installment". The amount of each succeeding installment shall be paid
to the county treasurer on or before the date specified in the local law
enacted by the county pursuant to section nine hundred seventy-two of
this chapter.

3. If any such installment is not paid on or before the date when
due, interest shall be added to the amount of any such installment at
the rate as determined pursuant to section nine hundred twenty-four-a of
this chapter, or such other law as may be locally applicable, for each
month or part thereof until paid. No such installment may be paid
unless all prior installments of current taxes, including interest,
shall have been paid or shall be paid at the same time.

4. The owner of real property who elects to pay taxes in installments
as provided in this section shall indicate his election by remitting the
amount of the first installment to the collecting officer on or before
the date upon which it is due or not later than within five days
thereafter; provided, however, that in the event the amount of the first
installment is paid after the date upon which it was due, the interest
rate set forth in subdivision three of this section shall apply.

5. The failure or neglect by an owner of real property to pay the
first installment as provided in subdivision four of this section shall
be construed as an election by such owner to pay the total amount of
taxes in one payment in the manner provided by law.

6. The county treasurer of a county which has enacted a local law
pursuant to section nine hundred seventy-two of this chapter may
promulgate and amend suitable rules and regulations prescribing the
necessary forms for carrying into effect the provisions of this title
and of article thirteen of this chapter relating to the installment
payment of taxes.