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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Supplementary proceedings to collect taxes
Real Property Tax (RPT) CHAPTER 50-A, ARTICLE 9, TITLE 5
§ 990. Supplementary proceedings to collect taxes. 1. If a tax
exceeding ten dollars is returned by the proper collecting officer
uncollected, the enforcing officer may within one year thereafter, or at
such time as may otherwise be prescribed by law, apply to the court for
the institution of proceedings supplementary to execution, as upon a
judgment docketed in such county, for the purpose of collecting such tax
and fees with interest and other charges thereon.

2. Such proceedings may be taken against a corporation, and the same
proceedings may be had in all respects for the collection of taxes owed
by it as for the collection of a judgment by proceedings supplementary
to execution against a natural person, and the same costs and
disbursements may be allowed against the person or corporation examined
as in such supplementary proceedings but none shall be allowed in his,
hers, or its favor.

3. The tax, if collected in such proceeding, shall be paid to the
enforcing officer of the municipal corporation for which the enforcing
officer enforces the collection of delinquent taxes, or if the enforcing
officer is not authorized to receive payments of delinquent taxes, to
the official who is so authorized. The costs and disbursements
collected shall belong to the party instituting the proceedings, and
shall be applied to the payment of the expense of such proceeding.

4. For purposes of this section, the terms "charges" and "enforcing
officer" shall have the meanings set forth in article eleven of this