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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Every city, town and village of this state, in addition to such powers as it may have relating to the granting of rights, privileges, fra...
Railroad (RRD) CHAPTER 49, ARTICLE 5
§ 173-b. Every city, town and village of this state, in addition to
such powers as it may have relating to the granting of rights,
privileges, franchises, powers or consents to use the streets, roads,
highways, avenues, parks or public places for the construction and
operation of street surface railroads within its corporate limits, shall
have power, subject to the provisions of sections one hundred and
seventy-three-a to one hundred and seventy-three-h, both inclusive, of
this article, to grant to a duly incorporated railroad corporation of
this state, organized to construct, maintain and operate a street
surface railroad, a terminable permit to occupy or use any of the
streets, roads, highways, avenues, parks or public places of such city,
town or village for the construction and operation of a street surface
railroad, and to agree upon and contract for the terms and conditions
thereof; provided that no street surface railroad or extensions or
branches thereof shall be built, extended or operated unless the
conditions set forth in section one hundred and seventy-one of this
article have been complied with.