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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Deduction of group plan insurance or medicare premiums from benefits
Retirement & Social Security (RSS) CHAPTER 51-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 12
§ 110-a. Deduction of group plan insurance or medicare premiums from
benefits. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in section
one hundred ten of this act, the comptroller is hereby authorized to
deduct from the retirement allowance of any retired member, such amount
as the retired member may specify in writing filed with the comptroller
for the payment of any insurance premiums written on the group plan,
covering only such insurance in which the employer as defined in section
two of this act contributes, and to transmit the sums so deducted to the
company carrying such insurance or its authorized represenative. The
comptroller is further authorized to deduct from the retirement
allowance of any retired member such amount as the retired member may
specify in writing filed with the comptroller for the payment of any
insurance premiums due for medicare, and to transmit the sums so
deducted to the agency for the federal government authorized to
administer the medicare program. Any such written authorization may be
withdrawn by such retired member at any time upon filing notice of such
withdrawal with the comptroller.