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This entry was published on 2015-10-30
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Applications and elections; issues due to death
Retirement & Social Security (RSS) CHAPTER 51-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 8
§ 74-a. Applications and elections; issues due to death.
Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation to the contrary, in
the event a member dies prior to receipt by the comptroller or the
retirement system of his or her application for service retirement,
disability retirement or a retirement option election form and such
application or form was mailed to the comptroller or retirement system
by United States postal service first class mail prior to date of death,
the application or form shall be deemed filed on the date of mailing,
based upon the legible postmark on the envelope. The comptroller shall
have the sole authority to determine whether a postmark is legible for
the purpose of this section. Provided, however, no such retirement
application or option election form shall be deemed filed with the
retirement system on the date of mailing unless actually received by the
retirement system as a result of such mailing.