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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Powers and duties of commissioner
Second Class Cities (SCC) CHAPTER 53, ARTICLE 11
§ 171. Powers and duties of commissioner. The commissioner of
charities shall have the general care, management, administration and
supervision of the charities, almshouses, hospitals, houses of
correction, orphan asylums and all other similar institutions, the
control or government of which belongs or is intrusted to the city. He
shall make regulations for the expenditure of the moneys appropriated
for the support or relief of the poor and for the general supervision of
such expenditures. He shall investigate fully the circumstances of all
persons alleged to be destitute or without proper means of support, or
without proper guardianship, or who are in danger of becoming or are a
public burden in any respect; and also the circumstances of their
relatives or other persons whose duty it is to relieve or maintain them
or contribute to their support; also to institute and prosecute any and
all actions and proceedings authorized by law to compel any and all
persons liable for the care, maintenance, education or support of any
such destitute or dependent persons to contribute thereto, and to
indemnify the city and public against any expenditures on account
thereof. He shall also prosecute any and all bonds, undertakings or
recognizances given for any of the purposes herein mentioned or in any
manner relating thereto. Any and all moneys recovered in any such suit,
action or proceeding or otherwise paid to or received by the said
commissioner on account of the care, maintenance, relief, education or
support of any such persons shall be deposited by the commissioner with
the city treasurer as a trust fund, and the same shall be applied and
expended by the said commissioner for the purpose on account of which
the same were paid. Any surplus remaining in said fund at the close of
the fiscal year shall be treated as an unexpended balance of money
appropriated for such department. The commissioner shall furnish to and
file with the comptroller a monthly statement in detail of all receipts
and expenditures, including the aid and relief granted by him, with the
names and addresses of all recipients.