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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Inhabitants not incompetent; place of trial of actions and proceedings
Second Class Cities (SCC) CHAPTER 53, ARTICLE 16
§ 242. Inhabitants not incompetent; place of trial of actions and
proceedings. Upon the trial of any issue or the prosecution of any
proceeding, or upon the taking or making of any inquisition, appraisal
or award, or upon the judicial investigation of any facts whatever, to
which issue, proceedings, inquest, investigation or award the city is a
party, or in which the city may, in any way, be interested, no person
shall be deemed incompetent as a judge, referee, commissioner, witness
or juror by reason of his being an inhabitant, freeholder or taxpayer of
the city. The place of trial of all actions and proceedings against the
city, or any of its officers, boards or departments shall be the county
in which the city is situated.