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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Pleadings 1
Surrogate's Court Procedure Act (SCP) CHAPTER 59-A, ARTICLE 3
§ 302. Pleadings

1. Unless otherwise provided in this act

(a) Pleadings shall consist of the petition, answer or objections and

(b) There shall be no other pleading unless directed by the court.

(c) An answer or objection shall be served upon the return of process
or at such later date as directed by the court.

2. Statements in a pleading shall be sufficiently particular to give
the court and parties notice of the claim, objection or defense and
shall contain a demand for the relief sought.

3. Copies of all pleadings, except an account, shall be served upon
any party who has appeared in the proceeding and demanded a copy of all
papers be served upon him, and upon all parties upon whom the court by
order or oral direction entered in the minutes directs that service be
made. A party who fails to comply with this requirement may be treated
as a party in default.