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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Settlement of temporary administrator's account of a decedent's estate 1
Surrogate's Court Procedure Act (SCP) CHAPTER 59-A, ARTICLE 9
§ 908. Settlement of temporary administrator's account of a decedent's


1. When the time for presentation of claims as fixed by notice duly
published has expired or when 7 months have elapsed since the issuance
of letters of temporary administration on the estate of a decedent the
court may direct a temporary administrator to account upon the
application of the temporary administrator. The court upon its own
initiative or upon the petition of a person interested, a public
administrator, county treasurer or creditor, may direct a temporary
administrator to account at any time.

2. Upon the settlement of his account the court may direct the
temporary administrator of a decedent's estate to pay the decedent's
funeral and administration expenses and direct the ratable distribution
of the remaining assets in payment of the claims allowed or established
as valid claims against the decedent. The court may direct the payment
into court or the retention by the temporary administrator of whatever
may remain of the assets of the personal estate of such decedent.