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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Abandonment of claim of title under tax deeds on cancellation of sale
Suffolk County Tax Act (SCT) CHAPTER ROOT, ARTICLE 2
§ 40-d. Abandonment of claim of title under tax deeds on cancellation
of sale. Before the county treasurer shall cancel a tax sale, pursuant
to the provisions of this article, and issue a certificate of
cancellation, the party claiming under the tax deed issued from the sale
sought to be cancelled, his heirs or assigns, shall deliver to the
county treasurer an instrument of abandonment of any and all claims and
interest under and by virtue of such tax deed duly executed and
acknowledged in the same manner as a deed, which shall not affect his
right to a refund, together with satisfactory proof that he has not
conveyed the land described in such tax deed or any part thereof or
interest therein. At the time of issuing the certificate of cancellation
the county treasurer shall transmit such instrument of abandonment to
the county clerk. The county clerk shall record such instrument of
abandonment in a book of deeds in his office and index the same as
though the party executing it were a grantor in a deed.

This section shall not apply to any cancellation of a tax sale and
issuance of a certificate of cancellation thereof made on application of
one other than the purchaser, his heirs or assigns.