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This entry was published on 2016-12-09
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Tax sale in November, nineteen hundred thirty-three, validated
Suffolk County Tax Act (SCT) CHAPTER ROOT, ARTICLE 2
§ 45-b. Tax sale in November, nineteen hundred thirty-three,
validated. The sale of real estate for unpaid taxes in the county of
Suffolk held by the county treasurer in November, nineteen hundred
thirty-three, and certificates of sale issued thereon to purchasers,
including such county, are hereby validated and confirmed in so far as
their validity might otherwise have been affected or may be questioned
by reason of lack of statutory authority with respect to the form and
substance of the notice of sale, the conditions and manner in which the
several parcels were offered for sale, the basis on which bids were
permitted, made and accepted, the rates of interest, from a maximum of
twelve per centum down to one per centum, bid by the purchaser. With
respect to any of the foregoing matters or any acts done or committed,
before, during or after the sale, relating to or connected with such
matters, failure to comply with any provisions of law, including other
provisions of this chapter or section one hundred fifty-two of the tax
law or amendments thereof, shall not affect or impair such sale and
certificates. In conformity with the terms on which the several pieces
or parcels were offered and accepted, and the provisions of this act,
the amount of interest payable on redemption hereafter of any such piece
or parcel shall be computed and determined at rates as follows: The rate
thus established by the bid shall be the rate of interest for the first
year, if the redemption be made within the first year; and at double
that rate of interest per annum from the date of sale if the redemption
be made within the second year; and at treble that rate of interest per
annum from the date of sale, if the redemption be made in the third