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This entry was published on 2016-12-09
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When purchasers pay the amounts of their bids; possession of premises purchased
Suffolk County Tax Act (SCT) CHAPTER ROOT, ARTICLE 2
§ 47. When purchasers pay the amounts of their bids; possession of
premises purchased. The purchasers at such sale shall pay to the county
treasurer the full amount of the bid therefor within one week from the
date of such sale, and thereupon the county treasurer shall execute to
each purchaser, including the county, a certificate in writing which
shall contain a description of the real estate purchased, the amount
paid therefor, the interest or penalty thereon at which such property
was bid, the date of the sale and that the same was sold for unpaid
town, county and state taxes or assessments as the case may be, the name
of the owner of such property as it appears on the books, and such other
information as the county treasurer shall deem expedient. Such purchaser
or his heirs and assigns may, at any time after the time limited in
section forty-nine and section fifty-two of this act for the redemption
of such premises shall have expired, and the notice therein provided has
been given, and said premises shall not have been redeemed as therein
provided and title to such premises shall have been conveyed to him as
herein provided, and not before, obtain actual possession of the
premises by an action at law or by causing the occupant of such real
estate to be removed therefrom, and the possession thereof to be
delivered to him in the same manner, and in the same proceedings, and
before the same officers as in a case of a tenant holding over after the
expiration of his term without the permission of his landlord.