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This entry was published on 2016-12-09
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Parties to the action
Suffolk County Tax Act (SCT) CHAPTER ROOT, ARTICLE 2
§ 56. Parties to the action. The plaintiff in such action shall
include and join therein and may likewise recover upon all prior and
subsequent certificates of sale or tax deeds dated within five years of
the commencement of the action, held by him, executed by the treasurer
of Suffolk county relating to the same real property in whole or in
part. He may include and join in one action all such certificates of
sale or tax deeds relating to two or more separate and distinct parcels
of real property belonging to the same person or to two or more persons
or corporations, provided, however, that all lots or parcels belonging
to separate persons shall be distinctly set forth in separate paragraphs
of the complaint and shall be sold under such proceedings separately. He
shall make parties to the action the owner of and all other persons
interested in the real property affected, or any part thereof, including
the holders of all other prior and subsequent certificates of sale as
shown by the records in the county treasurer's office at the time of the
commencement of such action. The county of Suffolk or the people of the
state may be made parties to such an action the same as a natural person
and the summons shall be served on the attorney-general who shall appear
on behalf of the state, and the complaint shall set forth in addition to
the other matters required to be set forth by law, detailed facts
showing the particular nature of the interest in or the lien on the said
real property of the county of Suffolk or the people of the state of New