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This entry was published on 2016-12-09
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Conveyance vests absolute fee in purchaser
Suffolk County Tax Act (SCT) CHAPTER ROOT, ARTICLE 2
§ 60. Conveyance vests absolute fee in purchaser. The conveyance made
pusuant to a judgment in any action brought as herein provided, shall
vest in the purchaser all right, title, interest, claim, lien and equity
of redemption in and against the premises sold, of all the parties to
the action, and of all persons claiming under them, or any or either of
them, subsequent to the filing of a notice of the pendency of the
action, or whose conveyance or encumbrance is subsequent or is
subsequently recorded, except subsequent taxes and assessments, and
sales on account thereof, and except taxes and assessments which were
liens on the premises at the time of the filing of a notice of pendency
of the action, but for the nonpayment of which no sale had been had
prior thereto and any sale on account of such taxes, and all such
parties and persons shall be barred and forever foreclosed by the
judgment in said action of all right, title, interest, claim, lien and
equity of redemption in and to the premises sold, or any part thereof,
except as aforesaid. The judgment in any such action may direct the
cancellation or satisfaction of record of taxes, assessments or other
claims of any of the parties to the action.