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This entry was published on 2016-12-09
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Payment of taxes by purchaser; penalties thereon
Suffolk County Tax Act (SCT) CHAPTER ROOT, ARTICLE 2
§ 75. Payment of taxes by purchaser; penalties thereon. The owner or
holder of a certificate of sale of lots or parcels of real estate
purchased at the tax sale, provided for herein, may at any time after
annual return of taxes and assessments to the county treasurer by the
receiver of taxes, pay to the county treasurer any such and older taxes
or assessments as are a lien on such property; and the holder of such
certificate making such payment of said taxes shall be entitled to and
shall receive the full amount of the taxes thus paid with interest and
penalties thereon from the date of payment at the same rate prescribed
in section forty-five hereof, provided such purchaser shall have
notified the county treasurer thereof immediately upon the payment of
any such tax. Such taxes with the same interest and penalties thereon
from the date of such payment as herein provided shall become a lien on
said property and payable at the time of the redemption thereof, or out
of the proceeds realized at the sale of said property under the
foreclosure of the certificate of sale as provided in this act.