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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Powers of public welfare officials to bring and defend suits
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 3, TITLE 6
§ 102. Powers of public welfare officials to bring and defend suits.
A public welfare official responsible, by or pursuant to any provision
of this chapter, for the administration of the public assistance or care
granted or applied for is empowered to bring proceedings in a court of
competent jurisdiction

1. to compel any person liable by law for support to contribute to
the support of any person cared for at public expense, or person liable
to become so dependent. A bond may be required of such person liable
for support to indemnify the public welfare district against the cost of
the support of such person;

2. to recover penalties, forfeitures and prosecute any bonds,
undertakings and recognizances;

3. and defend in any court all matters relating to the support of
persons at public expense.