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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Reimbursement to the state
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 3, TITLE 6-A
§ 111-e. Reimbursement to the state. 1. A share of any support
payments collected by the social services official, less any amount
disbursed to the family receiving family assistance, shall, subject to
section one hundred eleven-f, be paid to the state as reimbursement
toward the amount contributed by the state and federal governments to
assistance furnished to such family. Such share shall bear the same
ratio to the amounts collected as the state and federal funds bear to
assistance granted.

2. Whenever one social services district makes collections on behalf
of a person or family for whom another social services district or
another state is responsible for providing assistance, the amount
collected shall be paid to the district or such other state responsible
for providing such assistance, in accordance with the regulations of the