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Child support standards
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 3, TITLE 6-A
§ 111-i. Child support standards. 1. Each social services district
shall ascertain the ability of an absent parent to support or contribute
to the support of his or her children, in accordance with the statewide
child support standards as set forth in subdivision one of section four
hundred thirteen of the family court act.

2. (a) The commissioner shall publish annually a child support
standards chart. The child support standards chart shall include: (i)
the revised poverty income guideline for a single person as reported by
the federal department of health and human services; (ii) the revised
self-support reserved as defined in section two hundred forty of the
domestic relations law; (iii) the dollar amounts yielded through
application of the child support percentage as defined in section two
hundred forty of the domestic relations law and section four hundred
thirteen of the family court act; and (iv) the combined parental income

(b) The combined parental income amount to be reported in the child
support standards chart and utilized in calculating orders of child
support in accordance with subparagraph two of paragraph (c) of
subdivision one of section four hundred thirteen of the family court act
and subparagraph two of paragraph (c) of subdivision one-b of section
two hundred forty of the domestic relations law as of January
thirty-first, two thousand fourteen shall be one hundred forty-one
thousand dollars; provided, however, beginning March first, two thousand
sixteen and every two years thereafter, the combined parental income
amount shall increase by the sum of the average annual percentage
changes in the consumer price index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) as
published by the United States department of labor bureau of labor
statistics for the prior two years multiplied by the current combined
parental income amount and then rounded to the nearest one thousand

(c) The commissioner shall publish the child support standards chart
on an annual basis by April first of each year and in no event later
than forty-five days following publication of the annual poverty income
guideline for a single person as reported by the federal department of
health and human services.