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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Access to information contained in government and private records
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 3, TITLE 6-A
§ 111-s. Access to information contained in government and private
records. 1. For the purpose of establishing paternity, or
establishing, modifying or enforcing an order of support, the department
or a social services district or its authorized representative, and
child support enforcement agencies of other states established pursuant
to title IV-D of the social security act, without the necessity of
obtaining an order from any other judicial or administrative tribunal
and subject to safeguards on privacy and information security, shall
have access to information contained in the following records:

(a) records of other state and local government agencies including:

(i) vital statistics (including records of marriage, birth and

(ii) state and local tax and revenue records (including information
on residence address, employer, income and assets);

(iii) records concerning real and titled personal property;

(iv) records of occupational and professional licenses, and records
concerning the ownership and control of corporations, partnerships and
other business entities;

(v) employment security records;

(vi) records of agencies administering public assistance programs;

(vii) records of the department of motor vehicles; and

(viii) corrections records; and

(b) certain records held by private corporations, companies, or other
entities with respect to individuals who owe or are owed support (or
against or with respect to whom a support obligation is being sought),
consisting of:

(i) pursuant to an administrative subpoena authorized by section one
hundred eleven-p of this title, the names, addresses, telephone numbers
and dates of birth of such individuals, and the names and addresses of
the employers of such individuals, as appearing in customer records of
public utilities companies and corporations, including, but not limited
to, cable television, gas, electric, steam, and telephone companies and
corporations, as defined in section two of the public service law, doing
business within the state of New York; and

(ii) information on such individuals held by financial institutions,
including information regarding assets and liabilities.

2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any
government or private entity to which a request for access to
information is directed pursuant to subdivision one of this section, is
authorized and required to comply with such request. To the extent
feasible, access to such information shall be requested and provided
using automated systems. Any government or private entity which
discloses information pursuant to this section shall not be liable under
any federal or state law to any person for such disclosure, or for any
other action taken in good faith to comply with this subdivision.