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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Local personnel training
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 3, TITLE 7
§ 112. Local personnel training. Each public welfare district shall
make provision, with the assistance and cooperation of the department,
for suitable training of employees of its welfare department. Such
provision shall include such of the following as the department may
approve or require for such district: employment of qualified training
directors and/or teachers; the granting of scholarships and fellowships;
continuing salaries of employees while undergoing training, pursuant to
section thirty; contracting with approved schools, colleges and
universities for courses of instruction and/or classes or special
classes; sponsoring, conducting and participating in seminars, workshops
and meetings and allowing or requiring attendance of selected employees;
payment of stipends and expenses, within prescribed limits, of employees
undergoing training.