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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Training and utilization of volunteers
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 3, TITLE 7
§ 115. Training and utilization of volunteers. Subject to the
approval of the department, public welfare districts are authorized to
sponsor and conduct programs for the recruitment, training and
utilization of volunteers to assist welfare district employees in the
performance of office duties and to aid in performing services in
welfare districts including but not limited to the following:

(a) friendly visiting of the indigent aged;

(b) finding homes for foster children;

(c) escorting and transporting recipients to clinics and other

(d) aiding in location of improved housing;

(e) teaching homemaking skills and aiding in budgeting and care of
the household;

(f) providing tutoring and other educational aid; and

(g) giving information, screening requests and performing other
services in waiting rooms of welfare centers.