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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Power of the board of supervisors to change the administrative system of the county social services district
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 3, TITLE 3
§ 73. Power of the board of supervisors to change the administrative
system of the county social services district. When pursuant to section
seventy-two, the board of supervisors has adopted a resolution directing
that the cost of all public assistance and care shall be a charge on the
county social services district:

1. The county social services district shall, after the date fixed by
such resolution, be responsible for administration of public assistance
and care in all of the towns of its district and thereafter all
provisions of this chapter as to the powers and duties of towns and of
town social services officers shall be inoperative in such county social
services district. The appointment of all town social services officers
and employees shall terminate on the date when such resolution takes

2. (a) Such resolution shall not take effect in a city in a county
social services district unless it is confirmed by act of the
legislative body of the city in accordance with the provisions of this
paragraph. The legislative body of such a city may confirm the
resolution of the board of supervisors (1) on or before the first day of
October in the year in which such resolution was adopted by the board of
supervisors, and make such confirmation effective on the first day of
January next succeding such confirmation, provided the resolution of the
board of supervisors takes effect in the towns of the county on or
before such first day of January, or (2) at any other time or date, and
make such confirmation effective on any date not earlier than the date
the resolution of the board of supervisors takes effect in the towns of
the county, provided the board of supervisors shall by resolution
specifically approve such confirmation.

(b) On the day after a city confirms a resolution of the board of
supervisors pursuant to paragraph (a), the mayor or the city clerk shall
send a written notice of such confirmation to the clerk of the board of
supervisors of the county. He shall also send a copy of such notice to
the county commissioner of social services and the county commissioner
shall thereupon notify the department.

(c) If a city in the county social services district shall confirm
the resolution of the board of supervisors in accordance with the
provisions of paragraph (a), the county social services district shall,
on and after the effective date of such confirmation be responsible for
administration of public assistance and care in such city, and
thereafter all provisions of this chapter as to the powers and duties of
a city in a county social services district and of city social services
officers shall be inoperative in such city.

(d) Unless and until a city in the county social services district
shall confirm the resolution of the board of supervisors in accordance
with the provisions of paragraph (a), the responsibility of such city
for assistance and care in its territory shall not be affected by such
resolution, and the city shall be governed by the provisions of this
chapter and other laws relating to cities which form part of a county
social services district and to city social services officers; and the
city shall continue to be responsible for the cost of public assistance
and care under the provisions of subdivision two of section sixty-nine,
except as otherwise provided in title three-a of this article. The cost
of any assistance and care given to local charges residing or found in
such city, paid by the county social services district under the
provisions of subdivision three of section sixty-nine, shall be a charge
on the county social services district.

3. The board of supervisors shall make such additional appropriations
and authorize the appointment of such number of deputy commissioners,
other assistants and employees as it may deem necessary to provide
adequate administration of the public assistance and care for which the
county social services district is made responsible under the provisions
of this section.